Posts filed under: Grant Budget

“Can I really stabilize my nonprofit’s finances with grants? Can I win enough that we can scale our programs and have the impact we’ve dreamed of? . . . and if I can, then why haven’t I been able to...
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Happy Halloween! This is my favorite holiday, and in honor, I’m sharing 10 grant writing tips to help you make sure your grants aren’t the scariest thing this spooky season. #1: Keep a grant prospect sheet & update it regularly...
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At our most recent Grant Writing Made Easy workshop, we did a deep dive into nonprofit program budgets. Of all the topics I teach inside the course, the budget is the one that students have the most anxiety and confusion...
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I know there’s a lot of talk from economists about RECESSIONS right now. Whether we’re already in a recession or one is looming on the horizon, you might be wondering what it all means for your work and what you...
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I want to help you write successful grants because I know the work you do matters. And I know that a lot of the grant writing advice out there isn’t going to get you the results you want. Why? Because...
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I’m back at it again this week with more on budgets. Today, I want to talk about the nonprofit annual budget.  Now, I know there’s a lot of really great advice out there about nonprofit financials, and I’m not here...
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The nonprofit budget . . . it can be tricky for grant writers and nonprofit leaders, partly because it requires good forecasting skills and excellent bookkeeping systems and partly because there’s just a lot of confusion surrounding the budget. Every...
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If you break down the tasks a grant writer does during a typical project, you would find that they only spend a portion of their day on actual writing. The bulk of their tasks are devoted to grant management.  If...
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Every year, two of the major players in the grantmaking world, Candid and GrantStation, release their industry reports, covering the most notable trends in philanthropy and nonprofit work, and how this impacts grantseekers. ...
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It’s becoming more common for grantmakers to ask applicants to provide a strategic plan alongside their grant proposal. The thing is, a strategic plan is not the type of document you can whip up within a typical 4-6 week grant...
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