Posts filed under: Nonprofit Budget

Have you ever wondered how some nonprofits (and other grant-eligible organizations) are awarded so many grants? You know EXACTLY who I'm talking about... They're bringing in dozens of grants every year and always seem to be finding new grants to apply for....
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We’re nearly one year into this pandemic, and many nonprofits are either just now finding their footing with new program designs, new funding sources, or other major accommodations to the new needs and restrictions we’re facing. . . OR they’re...
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It’s that time again—time to participate in this year’s 60-Second Pitch Contest! I’m super excited because the contest is not only a valuable learning experience about communicating succinctly and clearly, but it’s also an opportunity for one of you to...
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I have to admit something. For as long as I’ve been a grant writer, my outrage at the nature of grantmaking and grantseeking has been boiling just below the surface. It is, quite literally, the rich requiring the poor to...
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We’re going deep on budgets in this post because we’ve still been getting a lot of questions about budgets after our last post on them. And it’s no surprise. For many grant writers, this is the most challenging piece of...
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After years working with hundreds of clients and students around the country, I’ve learned that most nonprofit leaders are aware there are steps they need to take before they’ll be eligible to apply for grants, but they’re not always sure...
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Over the past two months, I’ve had a lot of conversations with leaders of small nonprofit organizations about growth. They come to me with big dreams of receiving grant funding to expand their programs and make a bigger impact. I...
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