Posts filed under: Organization

I think we can all agree that there’s no feeling quite like finding out you won a grant. When we find out that grants we’ve written for our clients are awarded, we are THRILLED. Maybe you can relate. I hope...
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Today I want to share why you need to take the time to track your grant pipeline (and by that I mean all the opportunities you want to apply for, the ones you have applied for, the ones you’ve been...
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If I asked 100 nonprofit leaders how they solve problems in their nonprofits, I bet that 90 or more of them would say something about taking action. The entire nonprofit sector, it seems, is driven by this go, go, go...
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Determining your eligibility for a particular grant means making sure you’re within the designated geographic scope and location, that you’re the type of grant applicant the funding is for, that you’re seeking the type of funding the grant is, and...
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Any organization established for the purpose of carrying out charitable work can technically call themselves a nonprofit. But, to meet the strictest legal definition of a nonprofit, organizations must comply with nonprofit registration requirements at both the state and federal...
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Almost everyone knows that grant funding for nonprofit organizations is out there.  In fact, there are grants for nearly every cause, including grants for artists, educators, and local governments. Yet, the process of finding and applying to these grants is...
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In March 2021, Congress passed the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). As a result, the United States Treasury allocated more than $350 billion dollars to state, regional, municipal, and Tribal governments. The ARPA infused local governments with one of the...
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One of the biggest lessons learned from the pandemic came from an unexpected place. In the wake of managing the public health crisis, hundreds of thousands of people either found themselves working from home or laid off with no clear...
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Q3 is wrapping up, and I'm curious, how are you doing? Now tell me how are you doing, really. It has been another rough year full of pivots, adjustments, and all-around challenges to running successful programs, getting the funding you need to support...
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Eliminate overwhelm and writer’s block by having a solid plan for crafting that initial draft. ...
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