Posts tagged with: funding

There are some grant writing experts and instructors who believe that the key to getting grant funding is to… …Do more …Go faster …Work harder And I couldn’t disagree more. Taking this frantic approach is a recipe for burnout. Plain...
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Over the last couple of weeks, lots has happened here in the business. I was able to take a week off to travel to Disney World with my family, we ran a spring sale for Grant Writing Made Easy (welcome...
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Almost everyone knows that grant funding for nonprofit organizations is out there.  In fact, there are grants for nearly every cause, including grants for artists, educators, and local governments. Yet, the process of finding and applying to these grants is...
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In March 2021, Congress passed the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). As a result, the United States Treasury allocated more than $350 billion dollars to state, regional, municipal, and Tribal governments. The ARPA infused local governments with one of the...
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Eliminate overwhelm and writer’s block by having a solid plan for crafting that initial draft. ...
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It’s becoming more common for grantmakers to ask applicants to provide a strategic plan alongside their grant proposal. The thing is, a strategic plan is not the type of document you can whip up within a typical 4-6 week grant...
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By Alisha Verly-Jensen and Krista Kurlinkus Nonprofits at all stages of development can benefit from working with a professional grant writer. Organizations seeking grant funding for the first time can turn to a grant writer to review their grant readiness...
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Have you ever wondered how some nonprofits (and other grant-eligible organizations) are awarded so many grants? You know EXACTLY who I'm talking about... They're bringing in dozens of grants every year and always seem to be finding new grants to apply for....
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If you have a fledgling nonprofit, you might wonder how some nonprofits can learn about a grant the week before it’s due and still put together a successful application in time?   You know EXACTLY who I’m talking about…   They’re always...
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It’s that time again—time to participate in this year’s 60-Second Pitch Contest! I’m super excited because the contest is not only a valuable learning experience about communicating succinctly and clearly, but it’s also an opportunity for one of you to...
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