Posts tagged with: nonprofit budget

The nonprofit budget . . . it can be tricky for grant writers and nonprofit leaders, partly because it requires good forecasting skills and excellent bookkeeping systems and partly because there’s just a lot of confusion surrounding the budget. Every...
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Every year, two of the major players in the grantmaking world, Candid and GrantStation, release their industry reports, covering the most notable trends in philanthropy and nonprofit work, and how this impacts grantseekers. ...
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It’s becoming more common for grantmakers to ask applicants to provide a strategic plan alongside their grant proposal. The thing is, a strategic plan is not the type of document you can whip up within a typical 4-6 week grant...
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Have you ever wondered how some nonprofits (and other grant-eligible organizations) are awarded so many grants? You know EXACTLY who I'm talking about... They're bringing in dozens of grants every year and always seem to be finding new grants to apply for....
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Over the past two months, I’ve had a lot of conversations with leaders of small nonprofit organizations about growth. They come to me with big dreams of receiving grant funding to expand their programs and make a bigger impact. I...
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