Posts tagged with: nonprofit planning

Every year, two of the major players in the grantmaking world, Candid and GrantStation, release their industry reports, covering the most notable trends in philanthropy and nonprofit work, and how this impacts grantseekers. ...
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It’s becoming more common for grantmakers to ask applicants to provide a strategic plan alongside their grant proposal. The thing is, a strategic plan is not the type of document you can whip up within a typical 4-6 week grant...
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Have you ever wondered how some nonprofits (and other grant-eligible organizations) are awarded so many grants? You know EXACTLY who I'm talking about... They're bringing in dozens of grants every year and always seem to be finding new grants to apply for....
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By Alisha Verly-Jensen and Krista Kurlinkus If you ever needed evidence of the overemphasis our society places on productivity, look no further than the advice commonly dished out during the ongoing pandemic. Article after article advised us to learn a...
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After years working with hundreds of clients and students around the country, I’ve learned that most nonprofit leaders are aware there are steps they need to take before they’ll be eligible to apply for grants, but they’re not always sure...
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Last week on my CEO day (Friday!), I started taking stock of the past year. I’m eager to think about next year’s goals, strategies, and projects, but before I can do that, I need to know how my business did...
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