Posts tagged with: Nonprofit

Any organization established for the purpose of carrying out charitable work can technically call themselves a nonprofit. But, to meet the strictest legal definition of a nonprofit, organizations must comply with nonprofit registration requirements at both the state and federal...
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When I start writing a grant for a client, I always begin with their organizational history and mission, and not just because that’s often the first section on a grant application. The reason I start there is because I need to...
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Thousands of nonprofits in the United States carry out their work abroad. Many grantmakers and foundations have very particular rules when it comes to funding international organizations. This post will help you navigate some of those rules and help you...
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Today we’re shining a spotlight on Bo’s Heavenly Clubhouse, a child loss support nonprofit that helps grieving families. We’re deeply inspired by their mission, the community they serve, strategies they’ve used for success, and what inspires them to do the...
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Have you ever wondered how some nonprofits (and other grant-eligible organizations) are awarded so many grants? You know EXACTLY who I'm talking about... They're bringing in dozens of grants every year and always seem to be finding new grants to apply for....
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Today we’re introducing the first edition of our Nonprofit Spotlight Series, where we shine the spotlight on our course members’ organizations and where you’ll learn all about the AMAZING work they do for communities around the world. Each nonprofit will...
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By Alisha Verly-Jensen and Krista Kurlinkus If you ever needed evidence of the overemphasis our society places on productivity, look no further than the advice commonly dished out during the ongoing pandemic. Article after article advised us to learn a...
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We’re nearly one year into this pandemic, and many nonprofits are either just now finding their footing with new program designs, new funding sources, or other major accommodations to the new needs and restrictions we’re facing. . . OR they’re...
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If you have a fledgling nonprofit, you might wonder how some nonprofits can learn about a grant the week before it’s due and still put together a successful application in time?   You know EXACTLY who I’m talking about…   They’re always...
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It’s that time again—time to participate in this year’s 60-Second Pitch Contest! I’m super excited because the contest is not only a valuable learning experience about communicating succinctly and clearly, but it’s also an opportunity for one of you to...
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