Navigating the world of grant writing consulting often feels like juggling flaming torches while blindfolded. Trust me, I get it. With a bustling business, a team that relies on me, clients with expectations as high as skyscrapers, and students hanging onto every word of my courses, my day-to-day is anything but simple. And, oh, project and time management? Let’s just say, we’ve had our battles.

So, as we get into the question at hand–is grant writing consulting your next, best move?–let’s break it down in a way that anyone who’s ever felt overwhelmed by their ambitions can follow. 

What a Grant Writing Consultant Needs to Succeed

1. A Commitment to Change

At its core, grant writing is all about championing causes you believe in. Whether you’re drawn to environmental issues, social justice, education, or health, this career goes beyond the desk job—it’s a calling. If the thought of using your words to pave the way for real, tangible change sends shivers down your spine, then you’re off to a good start. This job is for those who see beyond the paycheck and into the heart of what makes our world tick–and sometimes, what makes it hurt.

2. Writing and Research Superpowers

Now, let’s talk about your superpower: writing. But not just any writing–the kind that weaves data, evidence, and narratives into a compelling tapestry that funders can’t help but support. If you’ve got a knack for turning complex ideas into captivating stories, you’re already holding a golden ticket.

3. Strategy: Your Secret Weapon

The best grant writers think several moves ahead. It’s about seeing the big picture, matching your client’s needs with funders’ priorities, and crafting strategies that hit the mark. If you love connecting the dots and devising plans that get results, you’ve got the strategic mind this role demands. If you’re the type who loves plotting strategies and making calculated moves, you’ve got the makings of a grant writing boss.

4. Mindset: Forever the Student

The grant world is ever-evolving, throwing curveballs that could easily throw off anyone not on their toes. Grants and funding landscapes are always changing, which means there’s always something new to learn. If you thrive in environments that keep you on your toes and are eager to stay ahead of the curve, you’ll find this aspect of grant writing consulting invigorating.

5. Empathy: Your Guiding Star

This job isn’t just about writing; it’s about connecting, understanding, and empathizing. It’s about listening to the stories of those you’re helping and translating that into success. My adventures with nonprofits have taught me the power of empathy: it’s the secret sauce to truly impactful grant writing. 

6. Embrace Your Inner CEO

Yep, you’re not just a grant writer; you’re a business owner. If the thought of steering your own ship excites rather than scares you (despite the chaos it might bring), then you’re ready. This means embracing the entrepreneurial spirit, from marketing your services to managing the nitty-gritty of running a business. 

7. Ethics Over Everything

Last but never least, this field demands integrity. It’s about being honest, transparent, and above all, committed to making a difference. In the grant writing world, your moral compass guides everything from how you represent clients to how you engage with funders. Sometimes you’ll have to make hard decisions and get uncomfortable in order to do what’s right. 

Wrapping Up 

Deciding to step into the world of grant writing consulting is no small feat. It’s about channeling your passions, honing your skills, and embracing the madness that comes with the territory. If you’ve nodded along, laughed, or found a spark of recognition in any of the points above, then maybe, just maybe, this is the sign you’ve been waiting for.

Choosing to embark on a grant writing consulting career is a big decision. It’s about using your talents to spark change, staying curious, and working with heart. If these points resonate with you and you’re excited by the thought of putting your skills to work for causes that matter, then yes, grant writing consulting could very well be your perfect match. Remember, it’s your unique blend of skills, experience, and values that will make all the difference in your success and impact.

Remember, it’s not about being perfect. It’s about being passionately you, ready to learn, and willing to throw your whole heart into the causes that matter. So, what do you say? Are you ready to jump in and make waves? Because the world of grant writing consulting doesn’t just need more writers–it needs YOU.

Your Next Step: Grant Writing Boss Club

Our comprehensive course Grant Writing Boss Club teaches grant writers to build and scale a sustainable grant writing business. It’s ideal for you if:

  • You need additional income, want to replace your full-time job, or want to grow your existing freelance business;
  • You want to create a business that actually builds financial stability for you, your family, your clients, and any employees or contractors you hire;
  • You love serving the greater good, working with a wide variety of people and organizations, and learning;
  • You want the option of working from home and meeting with clients virtually;
  • You want to set your own schedule, whether that’s because you have kids or parents to care for, or just want to do you;
  • You’re business-minded—you love working with clients, planning, marketing, designing business processes, and getting *ish* done; and
  • You are a skilled writer (not necessarily with grant writing experience, but it helps).

If any of that sounds like you, I invite you to join Grant Writing Boss Club.

If you want to take your grant writing business to the next level (or maybe just get it started), Boss Club is for you!

Join Boss Club