Posts filed under: Grant Writing

Small nonprofit leaders, watch this video to find out: + The #1 piece of advice that I give to folks who want to work with me who have budgets under $50k (and which they sometimes don’t want to hear ....
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When I founded my grant writing consultancy back in 2015, I knew that I wanted to serve the small nonprofits that make a big impact in our communities. Since then, I’ve seen my clients and students doing the most important...
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I want to help you write successful grants because I know the work you do matters. And I know that a lot of the grant writing advice out there isn’t going to get you the results you want. Why? Because...
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There are some grant writing experts and instructors who believe that the key to getting grant funding is to… …Do more …Go faster …Work harder And I couldn’t disagree more. Taking this frantic approach is a recipe for burnout. Plain...
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Are you struggling to get the grant funding you need? Let’s talk about it. Most of the grant writing advice out there elevates one or two actions as quick fixes. And most of it isn’t bad advice, it’s simply incomplete....
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Nonprofits at all stages of development can benefit from hiring a grant writing consultant. Organizations seeking grant funding for the first time can turn to a grant writer to review their grant readiness and identify suitable opportunities.  At the other...
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Over the last couple of weeks, lots has happened here in the business. I was able to take a week off to travel to Disney World with my family, we ran a spring sale for Grant Writing Made Easy (welcome...
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I’m back at it again this week with more on budgets. Today, I want to talk about the nonprofit annual budget.  Now, I know there’s a lot of really great advice out there about nonprofit financials, and I’m not here...
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Determining your eligibility for a particular grant means making sure you’re within the designated geographic scope and location, that you’re the type of grant applicant the funding is for, that you’re seeking the type of funding the grant is, and...
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One of the biggest stumbling blocks to getting grant funding is knowing which grants you’re eligible for. Raise your hand if you’ve ever gotten excited about a grant you’ve found only to realize that you’re not even eligible? Not a...
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