As grant writers, we know that delivering successful grant proposals for our clients is crucial to their success. However, managing multiple clients and keeping track of all their requirements can be overwhelming. That’s why implementing effective strategies can help you improve your work with grant writing clients and ensure that you deliver the best possible results. In this blog post, we will explore five practical and personalized ways to streamline your grant writing process and maximize your clients’ chances of success.

1. Create a quarterly statement of work for retainer clients

Since your contract for retainer work likely won’t specify which grants or LOIs you’ll write (if part of your retainer is finding the grant opportunities for them) create a quarterly statement of work. So each quarter, have a planning session in which you pitch specific grants and LOIs to apply for over the next 3 months and then have the client sign it. This helps you have a clear work plan and if they make a change to the list after you’ve already agreed to it and done a lot of work for a grant, then you can say: since we agreed to these, we’ve already put in a lot of work, so if you want to switch to a different grant or switch the program for which you’re applying in that grant, that will count as another grant or incur an extra charge. We try to be flexible, but if we put in the time, we have to get paid.

2. Create a grant dashboard for each client 

When you implement a grant dashboard, you not only improve communication with your clients but also provide them with a convenient and accessible way to view and track the progress of their grant applications. With the ability to easily monitor the status of their applications and review feedback from reviewers, clients can stay informed throughout the entire grant application process. In addition, the dashboard can be customized to include important dates, such as upcoming deadlines or required materials, which can help clients stay on top of their responsibilities and ensure that everything is submitted on time. This can save you time and effort in following up with clients and can prevent delays or missed opportunities in the application process. By streamlining the grant application process and providing clear expectations and transparency for both you and your clients, a grant dashboard can ultimately lead to more successful outcomes for everyone involved.

3. Send each client a weekly summary email

Keep clients informed and ensure they are up-to-date with the work being done for them, by sending weekly summary emails. These emails should detail the tasks that were completed during the week and provide an overview of what tasks are upcoming in the next week. The email should also include a reminder for the client to provide any information that was previously requested but not yet received. This approach not only keeps the client informed about the progress of their work but also serves as a gentle reminder for them to complete their end of the work. By providing consistent and transparent communication, clients will feel more involved in the process and can contribute to the success of the project. Ultimately, sending weekly summary emails can help build a strong relationship with clients and improve the quality of work produced.

4. Have a regular monthly meeting

It is important to schedule regular monthly meetings with your clients to maintain a strong relationship and keep communication lines open. Ideally, it is best to have these meetings at the same time and day each month to make it easier for both parties to plan and attend. During these meetings, you can update your clients on the progress of their work, discuss any new business or projects they may have, and address any concerns or questions they may have. Face-to-face meetings provide an opportunity for you to establish a deeper connection with your clients and to gain a better understanding of their needs and goals. By prioritizing regular meetings, you can build trust with your clients and make sure that you are delivering the highest quality work possible.

5. Schedule 1-on-1 meetings 

While regular monthly meetings provide a great opportunity to touch base with your clients and maintain open communication, it may not always be feasible to wait until then to gather information. To fill in any information gaps, 1-on-1 meetings with your clients as needed throughout the month.  Try not to make the client write. As the writer, it is important to meet with them to gather any critical details that may be missing and to clarify any questions you may have. By meeting with your clients, you can have a clear understanding of their goals and objectives and can craft a compelling grant proposal that meets their needs. 

By implementing the above strategies you can build strong relationships with your clients and tailor your services to their specific needs. Whether it’s creating a quarterly statement of work, developing a grant dashboard, or scheduling regular meetings, these strategies can help you stay organized, efficient, and effective.